Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Will Nigeria fail in 15 years?

We should see beyond the rhetoric and sensationalism displayed by some, including President Obasanjo over the US National Intelligence Council (NIC) report card on sub-Sahara Africa titled: “ Mapping Sub-Saharan Africa's Future”. This report is a projection of events that could unfold in this region in the recent future, and it is a darn realistic projection for that matter. I agree that the projections on Nigeria are feasible given the currents state of events in the nation: forty-year-old high level corruption, civil unrest, social decadence, armed banditry, moribund and collapsing infrastructure- are tell tale signs of a decaying and failing nation. It is just that the process is yet to reach that critical point, a point of no return where every facet and every unit undergo rapid disintegration. Our nation is hanging over the precipice, and we may precipitate into frank chaos anytime within the next fifteen years going by the projections of the NIC.

However, rather than focusing on the negative aspects of this report, and seeing the authors as “prophets of doom”; it should serve as a wake-up call to all African leaders, particularly the people at the elm of affairs in Nigeria. The report is a projection; the question is that do we, Nigerians, have what it takes to reverse what has been projected? Now that is a million dollar question.